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Who Is Project 97?

  • We are registered 501c3
  • Up to 95 cents of every dollar goes to feeding people,  we are the best bang for your buck
  • We only give to those we know we can trust keeping them highly accountable.
  • We get receipts on all money given.
  • You get detailed reports of the feeding!
  • You can join us in feeding overseas in feeding others.
  • Project 97 goes where other major relief develoment agencies do not go.

Our Heart

From Africa to Asia there are still people who need help in putting food on the table. UnveilinGLORY is helping mobilize Christians who want to respond to these needs. At times, money is sent directly to trusted individuals we have a personal relationship with. At other times, we take teams and hold feeding programs ourselves.


Feeding programs are only done with people we have a relationship with. They are held accountable for every dollar sent to them as we require receipts. As we continue to expand internationally, we are finding more and more opportunities.

For every dollar you give, up to 95 cents of every dollar is given to those in need.  This is is one of the highest in the industry giving you the greatest “bang for the buck”.

Project 97 goes where the Red Cross and other major agencies do not go.  

How We Began!

How We Began!

Project 97 began with Mama Akiru.  She lives in northern Kenya with her children and grandchildren.

Though she tries to take care of her family, the lack of rain had been punishing her people.  She felt terrible.  She couldn’t do much for her family, or for anyone else.  They only ate one meal per day—and that “meal” was tea.

Nothing solid had gone into their bodies for nine days.  In fact, her pain had been so great, she takes a piece of cloth and ties it around her stomach to numb the pain.  It was her only option for dying in peace.

Hearing that there might be food distributed, she and a few grandchildren walked 11 kilometers (6.8 miles) to see if the rumors were true.

The four-hour walk took everything out of her.  She arrived and found that indeed there was food, but her strength was gone.  She didn’t have enough energy to get up to fill her bag.  She was done.

Thankfully, one of our workers was able to get her food and place it in her bag. Her grandchildren took the food on her behalf and helped her walk the 6.8 miles back home.

Mama Akiru received nourishment for a month because people from America distributed food to those in dire need.

From droughts to Covid-19 to corruption, there’s so much more to be done.

We believe Americans are some of the most generous people on the face of the earth. We believe they are generous because they believe in a generous God.

Please watch this video and pass it on to others to encourage them to give more generouslt from their hearts!

We believe Americans are some of the most generous people on the face of the earth. We believe they are generous because they believe in a generous God.

Please watch this video and pass it on to others to encourage them to give more generouslt from their hearts!


Project 97 has touched lives where big NGOs mentioned by you have never touched and never thought of.

Bishop Samuel Gatheru

I just wanted to tell you I have been very impressed by your ministry. I love the grassroots style and how you actually know many of the people you’re partnering with personally. THIS is how the church is supposed to work. Keep up the good and hard work and don’t get distracted.

Beverly From Virginia

I love the fact that you have accountability with Project 97 and I can actually see videos of those that are receiving the food.  Totally cool.

Sarah from California

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(804) 781-0386

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