The Joy in giving with a generous god


As covid winds down and racial tensions begin to ease (but only a bit), I want to focus on God’s call in our lives to be generous (as so many of you have been.)
Being generous begins with faith that God is a generous God and will reward you. Please see the video above.
The two videos below give testimony to the words Jesus was quote as saying:
In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” Acts 20:35
The first is Denca. She is our “Kenyan Adopted Daughter.” When we met her, she was single. She is now married to Ronnie and they have a son, MJ.
She recently told us of a woman who, at 14, was orphaned. She became pregnant with no one to help her and didn’t even know who the father was. Her son is now 13. He is challenged. She is still alone.
When Denca met her, the shutdown cut her off from making any money or getting any food. With your donations, Denca was able to help her with food. Please watch this 2 minute video and see the joy in Denca’s heart and how she was creative in ministering to “Shiko.”

“Shiko’s Story”

“Pastor Patrick & the mecry bags”

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